Tuesday, July 13, 2010


The British brought candid to India in the aboriginal 1700s, with the aboriginal candid bout played in 1721.[12] In 1848, the Parsi association in Bombay formed the Oriental Candid Club, the aboriginal candid club to be accustomed by Indians. Afterwards apathetic beginnings, the Europeans eventually arrive the Parsis to play a bout in 1877.[13] By 1912, the Parsis,Sikhs, Hindus, and Muslims of Bombay played a quadrangular clash with the Europeans every year.[13] In the aboriginal 1900s, some Indians went on to play for the English candid team. Some of these, such as Ranjitsinhji and KS Duleepsinhji were abundantly accepted by the British and their names went on to be acclimated for the Ranji Trophy and Duleep Trophy- two above aboriginal chic tournaments in India. In 1911, an Indian aggregation went on their aboriginal official bout of England, but alone played English canton teams and not the English candid team.[14] India was arrive into The Imperial Candid Council in 1926 and fabricated its admission as a Test-cricket-playing-nation in 1932 led by CK Nayudu.[15] The bout was accustomed Analysis cachet admitting getting alone 3 canicule in length. The aggregation was not able in its batting at this point and went on to lose by 158 runs.[16] The Indian aggregation connected to advance throughout the 1930s and '40s but did not accomplish an all-embracing achievement during this period. The team's aboriginal alternation as an absolute country was in 1948 adjoin Sir Donald Bradman's Invincibles (a name accustomed to the Australian candid aggregation of that time). Australia won the five-match series, 4-0.[17]

India recorded their aboriginal Analysis achievement adjoin England at Madras (now Chennai) in 1952.[18] Afterwards in the year, they won their aboriginal Analysis series, which was adjoin Pakistan. They connected their advance throughout the aboriginal 1950s with a alternation win adjoin New Zealand in 1956. However, they did not win afresh in the butt of the decade and absent abominably to able Australian and English sides. The next decade saw India's acceptability advance as a aggregation with a able almanac at home. Although they alone won two alternation (both adjoin New Zealand), they managed to draw home alternation adjoin Pakistan, England and Australia.

The key to India's bowling in the 1970s were the Indian circuit quartet - Bishen Bedi, E.A.S. Prasanna, BS Chandrasekhar and Srinivas Venkataraghavan. This aeon aswell saw the actualization of two of India's best anytime batsmen, Sunil Gavaskar and Gundappa Viswanath. Indian pitches accept had addiction to abutment circuit and the circuit quartet exploited this to actualize collapses in opposing batting lineups. These players were amenable for the back-to-back alternation wins in 1971 in the West Indies and in England, beneath the captaincy of Ajit Wadekar. Gavaskar denticulate 774 runs in the West Indian alternation while Dilip Sardesai's 112 played a big allotment in their one Analysis win.

A blueprint assuming India's Analysis bout after-effects adjoin all Analysis bout teams from 1932 to September 2006

The appearance of One-Day All-embracing candid in 1971 created a new ambit in the candid world. However, India was not appreciably able in ODIs at this point and batsmen such as the captain Gavaskar were accepted for their defence-based approaches to batting. India began as a anemic aggregation in ODIs and did not administer to authorize for the additional annular in the aboriginal two editions of the Candid Apple Cup. Gavaskar abundantly blocked his way to 36 not out off 174 assurance adjoin England in the aboriginal Apple Cup in 1975, India denticulate just 132 for 3 and absent by 202 runs.

In contrast, India fielded a able aggregation in Analysis matches and were decidedly able at home area their aggregate of beautiful batsman and artful spinners area apparent at their best. India set a afresh analysis almanac in the third Analysis adjoin the West Indies at Port-of-Spain in 1976 if they chased 403 to win acknowledgment to 112 from Vishwanath. This West Indian defeat is advised to be a watershed in the history of their candid because it led to captain Clive Lloyd dispensing with circuit altogether and relying absolutely on a four man clip attack. In November 1976 the aggregation accustomed accession almanac by scoring 524 for 9 declared adjoin New Zealand at Kanpur afterwards an alone scoring a century. There were six fifties, the accomplished getting 70 by Mohinder Amarnath. The innings was the eighth instance in Analysis candid area all eleven batsmen accomplished bifold figures.

During the 1980s, India developed a added advance absent batting agency with achievement makers such as the wristy Mohammed Azharuddin, Dilip Vengsarkar and all-rounder Ravi Shastri arresting during this time. India won the Candid Apple Cup in 1983, acquisition the afresh favourites West Indies in the final, attributable to a able bowling performance. In animosity of this the aggregation performed ailing in the Analysis arena, including 28 afterwards Analysis matches afterwards a victory. In 1984, India won the Asia Cup and in 1985, won the Apple Championship of Candid in Australia. Apart from this, India remained a actual anemic aggregation alfresco the Indian subcontinent. India's Analysis alternation achievement in 1986 adjoin England remained the endure Analysis alternation win by India alfresco the subcontinent for the next 19 years. The 1987 Candid Apple Cup was captivated in India. The 1980s saw Gavaskar and Kapil Dev (India's best all bastard to this date) at the acme of their careers. Gavaskar fabricated a Analysis almanac 34 centuries as he became the aboriginal man to ability the 10,000 run mark. Kapil Dev afterwards became the accomplished wicket bacteria in Analysis candid with 434 wickets. The aeon was aswell apparent by an ambiguous leadership, with Gavaskar and Kapil exchanging the captaincy several times.

With 619 wickets, Anil Kumble is the world's third accomplished wicket bacteria in Tests and India's accomplished Analysis and ODI wicket bacteria .[19]

The accession of Sachin Tendulkar and Anil Kumble to the civic ancillary in 1989 and 1990 added bigger the team. The afterward year, Javagal Srinath, India's fastest bowler aback Amar Singh fabricated his debut. Admitting this, during the 1990s, India did not win any of its 33 Tests alfresco the subcontinent while it won 17 out of its 30 Tests at home. Afterwards getting alone by neighbours Sri Lanka on home clay at the 1996 Candid Apple Cup, the aggregation underwent a year of change as Rahul Dravid, Saurav Ganguly, afterwards to be become captains of the team, fabricated their admission in the aforementioned Analysis at Lord's. Tendulkar replaced Azharuddin as captain in backward 1996, but afterwards a claimed and aggregation anatomy slump, Tendulkar alone the captaincy and Azharuddin was reinstalled at the alpha of 1998. With the captaincy accountability removed, Tendulkar was the world's arch run-scorer in both Tests and ODIs, as India enjoyed a home Analysis alternation win over Australia, the best ranked aggregation in the world. Afterwards declining to ability the semifinals at the 1999 Candid Apple Cup, Tendulkar was afresh fabricated captain, and had accession poor run, accident 3-0 on a bout of Australia and afresh 2-0 at home to South Africa. Tendulkar resigned, vowing never to captain the aggregation again, with Sourav Ganguly appointed the new captain. The aggregation was added damaged in 2000 if above captain Azharuddin and adolescent batsman Ajay Jadeja were active in a match-fixing aspersion and accustomed activity bans.

Since 2000, the Indian aggregation underwent above improvements with the arrangement of John Wright as India's aboriginal anytime adopted coach. India maintained their best home almanac adjoin Australia in Analysis alternation afterwards acquisition them in 2001. The alternation was acclaimed for the Kolkata Analysis match, in which India became alone the third aggregation in the history of Analysis candid to win a Analysis bout afterwards afterward on. Australian captain Steve Waugh labelled India as the "Final Frontier" as a aftereffect of his side's disability to win a Analysis alternation in India.[20] Achievement in 2001 adjoin the Australians apparent the alpha of a dream run for India beneath their captain Sourav Ganguly, acceptable Analysis matches in Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, West Indies and England. The England alternation is aswell accepted for India's accomplished ODI run-chase of 325 runs at Lord's which came in the Natwest ODI Alternation final adjoin England. In the aforementioned year, India were collective winners of the ICC Champions Trophy with Sri Lanka, and afresh went to the 2003 Candid Apple Cup in South Africa area they accomplished the final alone to be baffled by Australia. The 2003-2004 division aswell saw India play out a Analysis alternation in Australia area they drew 1-1 with apple champions, and afresh win a Analysis and ODI alternation in Pakistan.

The Indian candid aggregation in activity in the Wankhede Stadium

At the end of the 2004 season, India suffered from abridgement of anatomy and exercise from its earlier players. A defeat in a afterward home Analysis alternation adjoin Australia was followed by an ODI home alternation defeat adjoin Pakistan followed by a Analysis alternation levelled 1-1. Greg Chappell took over from John Wright as the new drillmaster of the Indian candid aggregation afterward the series, and his methods accepted to be arguable during the alpha of his tenure. The astriction resulted in a fallout amid Chappell and Ganguly, consistent in Rahul Dravid getting fabricated captain. This triggered a awakening in the team's fortunes, afterward the actualization of players like Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Suresh Raina, and the advancing of age of players like Irfan Pathan and Yuvraj Singh. A assault home alternation achievement over Sri Lanka in 2005 and a akin alternation with South Africa put India at 2nd abode in the ICC ODI rankings. This was followed by a acceptable ODI alternation win in Pakistan in aboriginal 2006 afterward a accident in the Analysis series, which gave India the apple almanac of 17 alternating ODI victories while batting second.[21] Towards the average of 2006 however, a 4-1 alternation accident in the West Indies gave acceleration to a slump in India's ODI form, while they accomplished a 1-0 achievement in the Analysis alternation that followed, giving them their aboriginal Analysis alternation achievement in the Caribbean aback 1971. India's ODI form, however, angled added with a black achievement in the 2006 Champions Trophy and a assault in the ODI alternation in South Africa. This was followed yet afresh by an antecedent acceptable achievement in the Tests, giving India its aboriginal Analysis bout win in South Africa, although they went on to lose the alternation 2-1. This Analysis alternation was apparent by Ganguly's improvement to the Indian team.[22]

The alpha of 2007 had apparent a awakening in the Indian team's ODI fortunes afore the 2007 Candid Apple Cup. Alternation victories adjoin the West Indies and Sri Lanka, apparent by the improvement of Ganguly, and able anatomy by Tendulkar, and the actualization of adolescent advancing players like Robin Uthappa saw abounding pundits to tip India as a absolute adventitious to do able-bodied at the 2007 Candid Apple Cup. However, defeats to Bangladesh and Sri Lanka saw India abort to ability the final eight. India's acceptable strengths accept consistently been its agency of circuit bowlers and batsmen.[23] Recently, it has a actual able batting calendar with Rahul Dravid, Sachin Tendulkar and Virender Sehwag all getting called to play for the ICC Apple XI in the 2005 "SuperTest" adjoin Australia. In antecedent times, India was different in that it was the alone country to consistently acreage three spinners in one team, admitting one is the norm, and of the fifteen players to accept taken added than 100 wickets, alone four were clip bowlers from the endure 20 years.[24] About in contempo years, Indian clip bowling has improved, with the arising talents of Zaheer Khan, Irfan Pathan, Rudra Pratap Singh, Munaf Patel and Ishant Sharma abounding added arena in the civic team.

In December 2006, it played and won its aboriginal anytime Twenty20 all-embracing in South Africa, acceptable the a lot of contempo Analysis aggregation to play Twenty20 cricket. Afterwards acceptable the Analysis alternation adjoin England in August 2007, Rahul Dravid stepped down as the captain of the aggregation afterward which Mahendra Singh Dhoni was fabricated the captain of the Twenty20 and ODI team. In September 2007, it won the aboriginal anytime Twenty20 Apple Cup captivated in South Africa, assault Pakistan by 5 runs in a blood-tingling final. Afresh they toured Australia with a arguable alternation that they absent 2-1 in analysis but appear aback for a blanch final adjoin them.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

M Kaif Career Profile

M Kaif Career Profile


Full Name : M Kaif

Country : India

Date Of Birth : 1980-12-01

Batting Style : RHB

Bowling Style : RAB, FS

M Kaif

Performance in TESTs ODIs

Matches 13 109

Batting Performance TESTs ODIs

Innings 22 95

Not Out's 3 22

Runs 624 2448

Hundreds 1 2

Fifties 3 14

Nineties 1 2

Ducks 0 6

Average 32.84 33.53

Highest Score 148 111

Strike Rate 40.31 73.34

Bowling Performance TESTs ODIs

Overs 3 .0 0 .0

Maidens 0 0

Runs 4 0

Wickets 0 0

Average 0.00 0.00

Five Wickets Hauls 0 0

Run Per Over 1.33

Best Bowling 0-4

Strike Rate 0.00 0.00

Fielding Performance TESTs ODIs

Catches 14 52

Stumpings 0 0

Cricket History

The origins of candid are actual vague, and abounding theories accept been put advanced suggesting its origins. Extensive studies and analysis accept been conducted to trace its history and they accept appear out with altered versions. However it is frequently accustomed that the bold originated from a actual old leisure action advantaged by shepherds. The shepherds acclimated cheat and added acreage equipments to hit a brawl like deceive which acclimated to be fabricated up of absolute or stone.

The aboriginal affirmation of candid getting played was recorded in the year 1550, by the pupils of Royal Grammar School, Guildford. In the year 1611 it is appear that two adolescent men from Sussex were punished for arena candid instead of traveling to the church. The aboriginal bout is recorded to accept been played at Coxheath in Kent in the year 1646.

Earlier candid acclimated to advance abundantly as a bank game. People acclimated to abode huge amounts of bets in matches and appropriately the bold started to get recognition. Candid was in actuality a above bank action appear the end of the 17th century. It is recorded that in the year 1679, a 11-a-side bout was played with stakes as top as 50 guineas per side.

During the 18th aeon candid survived and thrived due to the huge amounts of money via budgetary abetment and gambling. The aboriginal instance of a bout to be played amid counties in England is recorded to be on 29th June in the year 1709. This bout was played amid Surrey and Kent at Dartford Brent.

The 18th aeon aswell witnessed the actualization of two types of candid players. They were accepted as the retained amateur and the alone player. Generally the retained amateur was the assistant of the aristocrat and a cricketer as well. On the added duke the alone amateur was chargeless to play anywhere with his skills. Basically it was something like the amateur could play anywhere with the bulk of accomplishment he possesses.

In the year 1787, the Marylebone Candid Club aswell accepted MCC was created. The MCC has back again gone on to become one of the a lot of arresting bodies in apple cricket. Candid in its antecedent canicule were belted to the aloof chic of England. Candid gradually went on to become the civic bold of England.

The backward 18th aeon was a actual acute appearance for the development of the game, both aural and alfresco Britain. The bold was advance far and advanced mainly due to England’s imperialism. Wherever they went, the bold went with them and appropriately advance alfresco England. The aboriginal official bout was captivated amid Canada and United States was captivated in the year 1844.

In the present times, candid has its own afterward of loyal fans. The International Candid Council, bigger accepted as the ICC is the administering physique in apple cricket. The ICC was founded on the 15th of June in the year 1909. All laws apropos to ODIs and Test Candid are affected and implemented by the ICC.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Green Park Cricket Stadium Kanpur

Location: Green Park, Civil Lines, Kanpur

Established: 1945

Seating Capacity: 45,000

Floodlights: Yes

End Names: Mil Pavilion End, Hostel End

Home Team: Uttar Pradesh

First Test: India v England - Jan 12-14, 1952

First ODI: India v Sri Lanka - December 24, 1986

Located in the automated centermost of Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur, the Green Esplanade amphitheater is anchored abutting to the river Ganges. The ground, anytime back its enactment in 1945, has hosted a amount of analysis matches and one day internationals. Boasting of a basement accommodation of 45, 000 people, Green Esplanade is aswell the home arena of the Uttar Pradesh candid team. The arena is, currently, beneath the acuity of the Sports Department Uttar Pradesh. Green Esplanade hosted its aboriginal analysis in the January of 1952 amid India and England and the aboriginal ODI was played amid India and Sri Lanka on December 24, 1986.

According to the history of the Green Esplanade Stadium, it was initially accepted as the Modi Stadium. It was in this arena that India recorded its aboriginal anytime achievement adjoin Australia in the December of 1959. The bout was aswell the aboriginal to be played on a accommodation wicket here. Indian off spinner, Jasubhai Patel's 14 wickets accomplishment was the key acumen for active India on the acceptable band in the match. Further, in 1958-59, Indian bowler, Subhash Gupte took nine West Indian wickets in an inning for 102 runs, alone missing Lance Gibbs, who was, in fact, alone by wicket babysitter Naren Tamhane.

Green Esplanade amphitheater has been refurbished and avant-garde to accomplish it accomplished in the present times. Floodlights accept been installed in the stadium, which assists in authoritative it one of the arch stadiums for arena day-night matches in India. Green Esplanade has two ends - Mill Pavilion End and the Hostel End, called afterwards the Elgin Mill and DAV College, which are anchored abutting to the stadium. Back its establishment, the angle of Green Esplanade is acutely favorable to spinners, which is why some of the amazing performances accept been recorded by spinners.

The Green Esplanade Amphitheater in Kanpur has so far witnessed some of the greatest performances in the history of candid and several annal accept been fabricated and torn in this ground. Kanpur candid arena is aswell one of Aggregation India's luckiest venues. Back Green Esplanade amphitheater belongs to the Uttar Pradesh Government, the Uttar Pradesh Candid Association has proposed to assemble a new arena of its own, in Lucknow.

Milestones at Green Esplanade Stadium:

* The accomplished Analysis absolute at the Green Esplanade amphitheater is 676 by India adjoin Sri Lanka in the 1986-87 season.

* The accomplished ODI absolute at the Green Esplanade amphitheater is 259 by India adjoin England in the 1989-90 season.

* The everyman ODI absolute at the Green Esplanade amphitheater is 78 by India adjoin Sri Lanka in the 1986-87 season.

* Indian, cricketer, Gundappa Viswanath has been the a lot of abounding batsman in Green esplanade stadium, recording a behemothic absolute of 776 runs.

* West Indies player, Faoud Bacchus, holds the almanac of the accomplished alone account of 250 runs, verses India in 1978-79 series.

* Indian cricketing giant, Kapil Dev charcoal the a lot of abounding bowler in the Green Esplanade stadium, absolute a absolute of 25 wickets.

K. D. Singh Babu Stadium Lucknow

Location: Hazrat Ganj, Lucknow

Established: 1957

Seating Capacity: 25,000

Floodlights: No

End Names: Pavilion End, Gomati End

Home Team: Uttar Pradesh

First Test: India v Sri Lanka - Jan 18-22, 1994

First ODI: Pakistan v Sri Lanka - October 27, 1989

Established in 1957, the K. D. Singh Babu amphitheater has been called afterwards the acclaimed Indian hockey amateur Kunwar Digvijay Singh "Babu", who hailed from Lucknow. The amphitheater replaced the University Ground as the arch candid area in Lucknow. Although all-embracing candid matches are not common activity in this stadium, it hosts calm competitions regularly. The amphitheater has a basement accommodation of 25000 spectators. A lot of of the matches actuality are played by the home aggregation - Uttar Pradesh. Go through the afterward curve to apperceive added about K.D. Singh Babu Stadium.

The aboriginal analysis played at K.D. Singh Babu Amphitheater was amid India and Sri Lanka from January 18 to 22 in 1994. Sachin Tendulkar was the a lot of abounding batsman of the bout - he denticulate 142 runs. The a lot of acknowledged bowler was Anil Kumble, claiming 11 wickets during the match. The amphitheater became the area for the bout amid Pakistan and Sri Lanka in October 1989, the aboriginal ODI played here.

Lal Bahadur Shastri Stadium Hyderabad

Location: Hyderabad

Floodlights: Yes

End Names: Pavilion End, Hill Fort End

Home Team: Hyderabad

Owner: Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh

First Test: India v New Zealand - 19-24 Nov 1955

First ODI: India v Pakistan - 10 Sep 1983

Formerly accepted as Fateh Maidan, the Lal Bahadur Shastri amphitheater is amid in Hyderabad, India. The amphitheater is called afterwards above Prime Minister - Lal Bahadur Shastri. The arena hosted its aboriginal Test in 1955, if India faced New Zealand. The actuality that the amphitheater has staged alone three Test matches so far shows that the arena never acquired the ability of India's added top-class venues. With the advancing up of the active new Rajiv Gandhi All-embracing Stadium, the Lalbahadur Shastri amphitheater faces the anticipation of crumbling into oblivion. Nevertheless, in the few occasions, the amphitheater has produced some animating cricketing encounters. Read on to apperceive added about Lal Bahadur Shastri candid stadium.

Located abaft the badge ascendancy room, amid the Nizam College and Public Gardens, in Hyderabad, Lal Bahadur Shastri amphitheater has played host to a amount of civic and all-embracing antic events. It has a basement accommodation of 25000 spectators. The amphitheater aswell houses arcade complex, an calm amphitheater and a pond pool. The angle of the arena is apathetic and batsman-friendly, able-bodied admired by the apathetic bowlers. Flood ablaze accessories for the arena were provided in 1992, if West Indies played adjoin Zimbabwe at the Hero Cup. In the contempo past, the arena played host to the Indian Candid League matches. It is the home arena for the 2008 Edelweiss 20's Challenge winners Hyderabad Heroes.

Test Matches

According to the records, Lal Bahadur Shastri amphitheater has hosted alone three Test matches, anniversary getting played adjoin New Zealand. The aboriginal Test bout played at the amphitheater was in November 1955, if India was on a head-to-head antagonism adjoin New Zealand. The match, which concluded in a draw, had some animated performances by both the batsmen and bowlers. Polly Umrigar denticulate a bifold century, admitting Subhash Gupte best up seven wickets. The additional Test bout was captivated in 1988-89 season.

ODI Matches

The aboriginal ODI bout played at Lal Bahadur Shastri amphitheater was in 1983-84 season, if India registered a four-wicket achievement over its adversary - Pakistan. Another ODI bout was played amid India and Pakistan in 1987, if the array tied. However, India was declared the winner, because the aggregation absent beneath wickets than its opponent. The 1992 Hero Cup bout amid West Indies and Zimbabwe was the aboriginal day/night ODI bout played at the stadium. The additional bout of the 5-ODI alternation amid India and New Zealand in 1999-2000 division was aswell played at Lal Bahadur Shastri stadium.


* Polly Umrigar denticulate India's aboriginal Test bifold aeon at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Amphitheater in November 1955.

* Lal Bahadur Shastri amphitheater witnessed a record-shattering 331-run affiliation amid Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid in the 1999-2000 bout of New Zealand.

* The accomplished Test absolute at the Amphitheater is 498/4 declared by India adjoin New Zealand in the 1955/56 season

* The everyman Test absolute at the Amphitheater is 89 by India adjoin New Zealand in the 1969/70 season

* The accomplished ODI absolute at the arena is 376/2 by India adjoin New Zealand in the 1999/2000 season

* The everyman ODI absolute at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Amphitheater is 99 all out by Zimbabwe adjoin the Wet Indies in the 1993/94 season

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mohali Cricket Stadium Mohali

Location: Punjab Candid Association, Sector - 63, SAS Nagar, Mohali

Established: 1993

Floodlights: Yes

End Names: Pavilion End, City End

Home Team: Punjab

Owner: Punjab Candid Association

First Test: India vs. West Indies - Dec 10-14, 1994

First ODI: India vs. South Africa - Nov 22, 1993

The Punjab Candid Association Amphitheater (commonly accepted as the Mohali Candid Stadium) in Mohali, is broadly admired as the best candid arena in India, for accepting accomplished convenance accessories and a spectator-friendly environment. The area has undergone an alarming alteration from a begrimed swamp to a chichi amphitheater with world-class amenities. The amphitheater was inaugurated with a one-day all-embracing (ODI) bout amid India and South Africa during the Hero Cup on 22 November 1993. In a country like India, accepted for its spinner-friendly wicket, the Mohali amphitheater acquired acceptability for its active angle and seamer-friendly conditions. Read on to apperceive added about Mohali candid stadium.

Mohali amphitheater is amid on the outskirts of Chandigarh City, Punjab. It is the additional better candid arena in India, with a basement accommodation of 45000 spectators. The abundant blooming outfields and arresting adorableness surrounding it accomplish the arena spectator-friendly. The arena has witnessed some agonizing ODIs, the a lot of blood-tingling getting the World Cup semi-final in 1996 amid Australia and West Indies. Home to the Punjab candid team, the amphitheater has been accustomed as the additional better all-embracing candid amphitheater by BCCI in Bhatinda, Punjab. The ablaze pillars of the arena are actual low in height, because there is an airport nearby.

The aboriginal Test at Mohali Amphitheater was played in December 1994, if India played adjoin West Indies. The bleary December morning in 1994 is acclaimed for the candid buffs. It was the time, if West Indies clip bowlers Courtney Walsh and Kenny Benjamin abashed the Indian batting band up, which led to the absurd win for the bedfellow team. Since the amazing win, the grass on the wicket of the arena may accept become scarcer and it may accept been almost slower too. However, the morning sessions of matches played at the arena accept been consistently favorable for the clip bowlers.


* The accomplished Test absolute at the Mohali Amphitheater is 630/6 declared by New Zealand adjoin India in the 2003-04 season.

* The everyman Test absolute at the Mohali Amphitheater is 83 by India adjoin New Zealand in the 1999-2000.

* The accomplished ODI absolute at the Mohali Amphitheater is 339/4 by Sri Lanka adjoin Pakistan in the 1996-97 season.

* The everyman ODI absolute at the Mohali Amphitheater is 122 by Sri Lanka adjoin India in the 2005-06 season.