Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mohali Cricket Stadium Mohali

Location: Punjab Candid Association, Sector - 63, SAS Nagar, Mohali

Established: 1993

Floodlights: Yes

End Names: Pavilion End, City End

Home Team: Punjab

Owner: Punjab Candid Association

First Test: India vs. West Indies - Dec 10-14, 1994

First ODI: India vs. South Africa - Nov 22, 1993

The Punjab Candid Association Amphitheater (commonly accepted as the Mohali Candid Stadium) in Mohali, is broadly admired as the best candid arena in India, for accepting accomplished convenance accessories and a spectator-friendly environment. The area has undergone an alarming alteration from a begrimed swamp to a chichi amphitheater with world-class amenities. The amphitheater was inaugurated with a one-day all-embracing (ODI) bout amid India and South Africa during the Hero Cup on 22 November 1993. In a country like India, accepted for its spinner-friendly wicket, the Mohali amphitheater acquired acceptability for its active angle and seamer-friendly conditions. Read on to apperceive added about Mohali candid stadium.

Mohali amphitheater is amid on the outskirts of Chandigarh City, Punjab. It is the additional better candid arena in India, with a basement accommodation of 45000 spectators. The abundant blooming outfields and arresting adorableness surrounding it accomplish the arena spectator-friendly. The arena has witnessed some agonizing ODIs, the a lot of blood-tingling getting the World Cup semi-final in 1996 amid Australia and West Indies. Home to the Punjab candid team, the amphitheater has been accustomed as the additional better all-embracing candid amphitheater by BCCI in Bhatinda, Punjab. The ablaze pillars of the arena are actual low in height, because there is an airport nearby.

The aboriginal Test at Mohali Amphitheater was played in December 1994, if India played adjoin West Indies. The bleary December morning in 1994 is acclaimed for the candid buffs. It was the time, if West Indies clip bowlers Courtney Walsh and Kenny Benjamin abashed the Indian batting band up, which led to the absurd win for the bedfellow team. Since the amazing win, the grass on the wicket of the arena may accept become scarcer and it may accept been almost slower too. However, the morning sessions of matches played at the arena accept been consistently favorable for the clip bowlers.


* The accomplished Test absolute at the Mohali Amphitheater is 630/6 declared by New Zealand adjoin India in the 2003-04 season.

* The everyman Test absolute at the Mohali Amphitheater is 83 by India adjoin New Zealand in the 1999-2000.

* The accomplished ODI absolute at the Mohali Amphitheater is 339/4 by Sri Lanka adjoin Pakistan in the 1996-97 season.

* The everyman ODI absolute at the Mohali Amphitheater is 122 by Sri Lanka adjoin India in the 2005-06 season.

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