Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Young girls and boys get the cricket bug at Templepatrick Cricket Club

Templepatrick Candid Club has taken added above accomplish in development over the endure few weeks by starting a girls breadth and organising candid sessions for boy and girls players as adolescent as 5 years old.

This is added activity by the Ballyclare based club to appearance how it encompasses the accomplished of the bounded association in its assiduity as a thriving, superior bounded club who’s home is at The Cloughan, Doagh Road, Ballyclare.

As commendations the girls section, which is the one of the aboriginal in the area, TCC Candid Development Officer, Andy McCrea explains “ We accept consistently had an absorption apparent by girls at the club through our Summer Schemes and in the ten bounded primary schools who use our coaches, for their academy sessions. So we anticipation this was the absolute befalling to alpha a added academic changeable ancillary to the club. We accept already had our aboriginal brace of convenance sessions which accept been able-bodied abounding and the girls accept enjoyed practicing and developing their candid abilities as able-bodied as affair new humans in a new environment.”

The Club accept lined up matches adjoin added clubs during the division and are acquisitive that this aspect of the club grows from backbone to backbone with the appetite of aswell starting a ladies breadth in the abreast future.

The club are now aswell accouterment for the adolescent age accumulation of amateur with sessions for 5 year olds and upwards boys and girls which are starting anon and will run throughout the Summer months.

Andy McCrea enthused “Cricket has a lot to action and it is abundant that parents of adolescent accouchement accept been accepting in blow to see what sessions are available. We accept had to acknowledgment the alarm and are accept put sessions calm for this age accumulation which is an ideal way of introducing them into the game, the club and just accepting fun.”

Templepatrick Candid Club are able-bodied facilitated to apparatus such ventures with 12 qualified, accomplished coaches at the club and one of the best candid convenance accessories in Ireland. They are aswell in the average of a £90,000 above arena improvements on their outfield and aboveboard which will amend the arena to a top specification.

Chairman Duncan Elder explains “All this development has meant a lot of plan for our Committee and apprenticeship agents but we see it as advantageous and agreeable and of advance benign to the club and community. We are abundantly accountable to the bodies ( Sport NI, Biffaward, The Foundation for Sports & Arts, Newtownabbey Borough Council, The Lords Taverners ) that accept financially assisted the advance of our accessories and accustomed us the befalling to body on our already advantageous club set up.”

These new initiatives acquiesce added befalling to enhance the clubs absolute sessions for U11s, U13s, U15s, U17s and adults. Anybody absorbed in accepting added details, booking sessions or accepting complex in anyhow should acquaintance Andy McCrea on 07811737047 or It is never too backward to get involved.

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